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Nigeria Odd Vowels (SIL) keyboard

This keyboard pairs with two other keyboards to cover the expected needs of most of Nigeria's languages. The three keyboards are identical except that the vowels are treated differently. The vowels on this keyboard can have a non-standar shape as well as the standard tone markings. The keyboard also includes standard hook (implosives), nasality, tone, and the Naira sign.

Install keyboard
Installs sil_nigeria_odd_vowels.kmp for Windows on this device
Install keyboard
Installs sil_nigeria_odd_vowels.kmp for macOS on this device
Install keyboard
Installs sil_nigeria_odd_vowels.kmp for Linux on this device
This keyboard is not supported on this device. You may find other options below.
This keyboard is not supported on this device. You may find other options below.
This keyboard is not supported on this device. You may find other options below.
Use keyboard online
Use Nigeria Odd Vowels (SIL) in your web browser. No need to install anything.
Scan this code to load this keyboard on another device

Keyboard Details

Keyboard ID sil_nigeria_odd_vowels
Supported Platforms WebLinuxmacOSWindows
Author Heidi Rosendall
License MIT
Documentation Keyboard help
Source release/sil/sil_nigeria_odd_vowels
Keyboard Version 1.6.1
Last Updated 2024-12-03 21:54
Package Download sil_nigeria_odd_vowels.kmp
Monthly Downloads 60
Total Downloads 1,301
Encoding Unicode
Minimum Keyman Version 9.0
Related Keyboards nigeria unicode odd vowels (deprecated) sil_nigeria_underline sil_nigeria_dot
Supported Languages Agatu Bisã Bura-Pabir Expand 10 more >><< Collapse Cakfem-Mushere Dza Idoma Kamwe Kanuri, Manga Kukele Lamang Mbula-Bwazza Mwaghavul Nya Huba

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