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Linear B syllabary keyboard

Install keyboard
Installs linear_b.kmp for Windows on this device
Install keyboard
Installs linear_b.kmp for macOS on this device
Install keyboard
Installs linear_b.kmp for Linux on this device
Install keyboard
Installs linear_b.kmp for Android on this device
Install keyboard
Installs linear_b.kmp for iPhone and iPad on this device
This keyboard is not supported on this device. You may find other options below.
Use keyboard online
Use Linear B syllabary in your web browser. No need to install anything.
Scan this code to load this keyboard on another device

Keyboard Details

This keyboard is designed for the Linear B Syllabary.

Keyboard ID linear_b
Supported Platforms WindowsmacOSLinuxWebiPhone and iPadAndroidMobile web
License MIT
Documentation Keyboard help
Source release/l/linear_b
Keyboard Version 1.0
Last Updated 2024-07-26 07:35
Package Download linear_b.kmp
Monthly Downloads 36
Total Downloads 208
Encoding Unicode
Minimum Keyman Version 10.0
Supported Languages Greek, Ancient Mycenaean Greek

Do you already have Keyman for iPhone and iPad installed on this device?

Yes - Install Keyboard No - Download from the App Store Cancel

Do you already have Keyman for Android installed on this device?

Yes - Install Keyboard No - Download from the Play Store Cancel