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Pahawh Hmong (Basic) keyboard
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Use Pahawh Hmong (Basic) in your web browser. No need to install anything.
Downloads for other devices
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Windows download
Pahawh Hmong (Basic) for Windows
Installs only Pahawh Hmong (Basic). Keyman Desktop for Windows must be installed first.
macOS download
Pahawh Hmong (Basic) for macOS
Installs only Pahawh Hmong (Basic). Keyman for Mac must be installed first.
Linux download
Pahawh Hmong (Basic) for Linux
Installs only Pahawh Hmong (Basic). Keyman for Linux must be installed first.
Install on iPhone
Pahawh Hmong (Basic) for iPhone
Installs only Pahawh Hmong (Basic). Keyman for iPhone must be installed first.
Install on iPad
Pahawh Hmong (Basic) for iPad
Installs only Pahawh Hmong (Basic). Keyman for iPad must be installed first.
Install on Android
Pahawh Hmong (Basic) for Android
Installs only Pahawh Hmong (Basic). Keyman for Android must be installed first.
Keyboard Details
This keyboard supports the Second Stage Reduced Version orthography (vowel rimes, consonant onsets, some combining marks, and digits) for the Pahawh Hmong script. It does not support the numbers, mathematical operators, or logographs. Feedback is welcome.
Keyboard ID | pahawh_hmong_basic |
Author | Lorna Evans |
License | MIT |
Documentation | Keyboard help |
Source | release/p/pahawh_hmong_basic |
Keyboard Version | 1.0 |
Last Updated | 2024-06-13 14:28 |
Encoding | Unicode |
Minimum Keyman Version | 10.0 |
Platform Support | Windows, macOS, Linux, Web, iPhone and iPad, Android, Mobile web |
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