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Mozhi Keymap 1.1.1 keyboard

Download the latest version of Mozhi Keymap 1.1.1 keyboard
Click the Download button to get the latest version of this keyboard.
Important note: This is an old version of this keyboard. Unless you have a good reason, click here to install the new version, called mozhi_malayalam, instead.

Online tools

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Use Mozhi Keymap 1.1.1 online
Use Mozhi Keymap 1.1.1 in your web browser. No need to install anything.

Downloads for other devices

Keyboard Details

Keyboard ID mozhi_1_1_0
License MIT
Documentation Keyboard help
Source Source not available.
Keyboard Version 1.1
Last Updated 2023-08-11 07:10
Encoding Unicode
Minimum Keyman Version 5.0
Platform Support Web, iPhone and iPad, Android
Related Keyboards mozhi_malayalam (new version)

Do you already have Keyman for iPhone and iPad installed on this device?

Yes - Install Keyboard No - Download from the App Store Cancel

Do you already have Keyman for Android installed on this device?

Yes - Install Keyboard No - Download from the Play Store Cancel