Garp Sinhala Keyboard for Keyman
Type Sinhala in all your favourite programs, including your email, web browser, Word, Excel, Outlook and many, many more...
The Garp Sinhala keyboard is a fully Unicode compliant, phonetic keyboard, designed to be easy to use for anyone familiar with a QWERTY keyboard. It uses logical key combinations to produce all the Sinhala letters.
සිංහල යතුරු පුවරු
වෙබ් බ්රවුසර්, ඊ-මේල්, වර්ඩ්, එක්සෙල්, අවුට්ලුක් සහ තවත් බොහෝ ප්රියතම පරිගණක වැඩසටහන් මත සිංහල පහසුවෙන් යතුරු ලියනය කරන්න. ඔබගේ පරිගණකයේ දෘඩාංග වල කිසිදු වෙනසක් සිදු නොකර මෙම යතුරු පුවරු සහ යෙදුම් භාවිතයෙන් සිංහල යතුරු ලියනය කල හැකිය. සියලුම යතුරු පුවරු Unicode නීති වලින් සමන්විත වේ.

Garp Sinhala for Keyman for Windows
Type in Sinhala in all your favourite software applications for Windows. Keyman for Windows will automatically configure your system for the Sinhala language.
Garp Sinhala Keyman for macOS
Type in Sinhala in all your favourite software applications for macOS. Download Keyman for macOS first
Learn more about Keyman for macOSSinhala Keyman for iPhone
Type in Sinhala on your iPhone. Keyman brings the iPhone language experience to life, adding the language and font support for Sinhala that even Apple don't!
Sinhala Keyman for iPad
Type in Sinhala on your iPad. Keyman brings the iPad language experience to life, adding the language and font support for Sinhala that even Apple don't!
Sinhala Keyman for Android
Type in Sinhala on your Android device. Touch enabled keyboards for phone, 7-inch and 10-inch tablets ensure a seamless typing solution across any Android device.
Type Sinhala in your Browser
Type Sinhala online in your browser with, no download required.
Download a Sinhala keyboard on these devices:
Other Sinhala keyboard layouts
You can also type Sinhala with:
- Sipon Phonetic Sinhala - Another phonetic-entry layout for Sinhala.