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SIL acquires rights to Keyman software

(July 2018) Update: This page originally referenced purchasing products through the Tavultesoft online store. That store is now closed and this page has been updated to reflect this.

(October 2015) SIL International, a global language development NGO and Tavultesoft, a leading supplier of keyboarding software are pleased to announce that as of 30th September 2015, SIL International has purchased all rights to Tavultesoft’s Keyman® keyboarding software. SIL International has purchased Keyman Desktop, Keyman Developer, Keyman for Mac, Keyman for Android, Keyman for iPhone and iPad and KeymanWeb.

Technical support is available on SIL Keyman Community.

If you have questions about the acquisition, and how it may affect you, please read our Frequently Asked Questions section below.

Read the SIL announcement

Keyman running on Android devices

Keyman running on Android devices

Frequently Asked Questions on SIL Acquisition of Keyman

Will my Keyman license continue to work?
Yes, there will be no change to how your Keyman license works.
Can I still buy licenses of Keyman?
Yes, for the time being, licenses of Keyman will continue to be sold through the Tavultesoft Online Store. In the coming months, there may be changes to how Keyman is distributed, but we do not envisage Keyman becoming less accessible to users.
No. Keyman 10 products are free and don't need a license to activate.
If you'd like to make a charitable contribution for Keyman development, please donate here
How can I get technical support?
At present, direct your support requests to SIL Keyman Community.
Will the price of Keyman be changing?
It’s too soon to be able to answer that question completely. However, for the time being we do not anticipate any price changes.
Keyman is now free!
I have a created a keyboard with Keyman Developer. Should I still share it with Tavultesoft?
Yes, we welcome all keyboard layouts developed by the Keyman community. Tavultesoft’s existing open source keyboard repository will now be stewarded by SIL International. To learn how to submit your keyboard layout, visit
I have other questions. Who should I ask?
Please direct any other questions regarding the acquisition to the SIL Keyman Community.

Do you already have Keyman for iPhone and iPad installed on this device?

Yes - Install Keyboard No - Download from the App Store Cancel

Do you already have Keyman for Android installed on this device?

Yes - Install Keyboard No - Download from the Play Store Cancel