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Keyboard Search

Enter the name of a keyboard or language to search for. (Popular keyboards | All keyboards)


  • The search always returns a list of keyboards. It searches for keyboard names and details, language names, country names and script names.
  • You can apply prefixes k: (keyboards), l: (languages), s: (scripts, writing systems) or c: (countries) to filter your search results. For example c:thailand searches for keyboards for languages used in Thailand.
  • Use prefix l:id: to search for a BCP 47 language tag, for example l:id:ti-et searches for Tigrigna (Ethiopia).

Do you already have Keyman for iPhone and iPad installed on this device?

Yes - Install Keyboard No - Download from the App Store Cancel

Do you already have Keyman for Android installed on this device?

Yes - Install Keyboard No - Download from the Play Store Cancel